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Focus is the Editorial by President Paolo Petroni published in the magazine Civiltà della Tavola

Data Focus
December 2017

Youth and the Academy

Flawed perceptions and opportunities lying in wait.

November 2017

Mystery on a plate

New equipment and unusual ingredients often form the basis of success for many renowned chefs.

October 2017

The Academy must be responsive to current issues

We must address the challenges facing cuisine today without indulging in excessive retrospective analysis.

September 2017

Where is our chicken pepper stew?

Restaurants’ enormous repertoire frequently neglects traditional dishes.

July 2017

We have lost a legend of world cuisine

Reflecting on the influence of Nouvelle Cuisine on Italian cooking - and on the dangers we face today.

June 2017

Arrigo Cipriani: a sensationally ‘contrarian’ interview

“Chefs are ruining excellent Italian cuisine”. But is this true?