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Editorial activity

One facet of our editorial activity is the publication of our monthly magazine, the Academy’s conduit for disseminating information, containing discussions of cultural and food-related but also scientific and legal topics. The magazine’s contents and graphics were updated in February 2019.
The many connoisseurs of our gastronomic heritage can now find a specially designed bi-monthly edition of Civiltà della Tavola in newsagents.

In the Restaurant Guide, the scrupulousness, attention, interest and experience of approximately three hundred Delegates, provides, through the continuous supervision of the public table, an overview, as complete as possible, of the condition of Italian as well as international cuisine. The guide, which is unique in its kind, highlights and grades, with a variable number of "little temples" (from one to four), those establishments where professionalism and hospitality are successfully combined, and where, furthermore, the chef is capable of complementing the genuineness of the products with proposals linked to the values of local classical tradition and with those innovative proposals of an ever evolving tradition. The guide is published online and is available through the free Restaurant Guide app, which is user-friendly and updated in real time.

This free, current, constantly updated Guide reviews a selection of restaurants that serve good traditional cuisine courteously and for a fair price. 
Available in printed form until 2019, for its 2024 edition the Guide, now only available online, has a new editorial format and a new dedicated app.


With this new biannual book series published by Bolis Edizioni, the Italian Academy of Cuisine shares the results of its research and studies not only with Academicians but also with the general public.
The original contents present in the Cultural Gastronomic Itineraries series have been updated, integrated and supplemented with a wealth of elegant and visually remarkable images. The first volume to be published, Sauces and Gravies in Regional Cooking Tradition (I Sughi e le Salse nella cucina della tradizione regionale), was presented to the press in November 2016.

The monothematic Leaflets
constitute a praiseworthy collection of publications sorted by theme and dealing with the issues discussed on the occasion of the most important conventions promoted by the Delegations or the Accademia throughout the year. This is an editorial initiative which offers the opportunity to focus on issues and phenomena concerning the civilisation of the table in this country, which represent an inestimable patrimony of popular history and national custom.

With this new publication, the Italian Academy of Cuisine will revive a glorious title from its early history, The Itineraries of the Good Table,  originally published in the 1970s.  However this initiative will take a new approach and include new ideas and perspectives:  those of The Gastronomic Culture Itineraries which have a different gastronomic theme each year.  They are dedicated to the research and study of an Italian culinary product that has a "universal" value based on a systematic regional profile that gives each edition particular value not only culturally but also scientifically. 

The Gastronomic Culture Collection represents the Accademia’s contribution to the further study of cultural themes relating to the past, present and future of the gastronomic panorama. The rapid changes to life style and alimentary habits and the succession of short term fashions represent elements which must be evaluated in a competent and serious manner to avoid creating alimentary chaos together with confused values and behaviour in society and for the individual. From the study of the precious values of the past and its traditions and a deep analysis of the present, the Accademia intends to use this collection to trace the guidelines of an harmonious gastronomic-cultural route for the future.